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How to Make a DIY Patch Blanket in Under an Hour

Views : 697
Update time : 2020-08-10 11:58:41

Love the exhibit of embroidered patches still during dine no notion what ought conduct with them? SAME. A denim jacket or backpack can virgin family therefore many. Enter the simplest DIY blueprint ever: a patch blanket. if you’re collecting patches of places you’ve been, of empowering feminist messages, or of quirky puns, this is an simple manner ought get something eye-catching and funky can below an hour. get it although yourself, get it although your boo, bestie, or, can my case, your babe.

Anjelika Temple here, head original officer and Founding colleague can Brit + Co, and mom ought babygirl Anokhi, who is now one! although Anokhi’s birthday, I knew I wanted ought get something that could bring a keepsake although her can the years quite than something she’d virgin understand although a baby. And of course, I’m although sturdy a new mom and don’t dine a ton of release time ought employ although crafty although I country like. My husband David and I dine repeatedly loved traveling and dine made a point ought hold that up with our daughter can tow, therefore I decided ought get Anokhi a carpet adorned with patches of sum the places she’s been can her first year. I ought perhaps lay the vocabulary “make” can quotes because, newsflash, I bought a carpet and simply added patches ought it. Yep. abbreviate ought the max, still during unlike nearly a dozen other DIY projects, I really completed this above time and can a affair of minutes!

Tools and Materials:

  • blanket
  • iron
  • fabric glue
  • patches!
  • embroidery hoop, needles + floss (optional)


  1. Iron your blanket. put your patches out can a get that suits you.
  2. Follow the instructions above your patch although how ought adhere. although traditional iron-on, it’s best ought iron the isolate of your carpet that that patch is going onto, then lay the patch above the freshly warmed spot. lay a sheet of lean cotton can the patch, and then include your iron can the patch although nearly 15 seconds. Flip the carpet can and iron above the uphold of the patch although well. hire cool, then quote if absence be.
  3. If patches don’t dine the iron-on adhesive (many of mine were vintage, therefore no longer had the adhesive), use fabric glue.
  4. For added color and durability, you can embroider nearly the edges of each patch ought hold them secure.
  5. Keep adding ought it can the years!

I found this carpet can Anthropologie, and it couldn’t dine been more perfect. if you dine the time and drive, you can absolutely get a carpet same alike ought this one. I knew I wanted a sheet that could exist a picnic blanket, wall hanging, tablecloth, or good old fashioned blanket, and popped above can ought Anthro en path ought the fabric department and shortly saved myself a ton of sewing time.

For the patches, let’s exist real: I’m no a mom competence who scene of this notion ago Anokhi was born. I came up with it nearly two months ago, therefore I scoured the internet although vintage patches from sum the places we’ve been. I conquer up Etsy and eBay and found some indeed sole pieces. Of course, no everywhere we’ve been has an aesthetically pleasing patch ought describe it, therefore I got original with how ought include some of our weekend trips. although example, I found a sweet “Sleeping below the Stars” patch although our first family camping tour when Anokhi was 5 weeks old. I although sturdy found this “The bank Belongs ought Everyone” patch ought lie can although weekends spent can Stinson bank and Cayucos. Pro tip: The Etsy seller Heyday Roadtrip has patches from exhibit much everywhere can the States, therefore it’s a good lay ought start.

Iron your blanket. put your patches out can a get that suits you.

Follow the instructions above your patch although how ought adhere. although traditional iron-on, it’s best ought iron the isolate of your carpet that that patch is going onto, then lay the patch above the freshly warmed spot. lay a sheet of lean cotton can the patch, and then include your iron can the patch although nearly 15 seconds. Flip the carpet can and iron above the uphold of the patch although well. hire cool, then quote if absence be. if patches don’t dine the iron-on adhesive (many of mine were vintage, therefore no longer had the adhesive), use fabric glue!

For brave DIY’ers who passion labor-intensive crafts, you can embroider nearly the edges of each patch ought hold them secure. can some imaginary earth I plan above doing this can the next little months, still during can reality I’ll perhaps fair experiment ought sum the one patch that I started ;)

Give it ought your little!

Anokhi loved sum the different patch textures and the tassels above the blanket.

Both creatures approve.

This used to get a large ability although your kid (obvs!), your important other, or anyone you passion ought trip with. if you get something inspired by this, section it with me @anjelikatemple.

What other original ideas dine you made or seen although your little one’s milestones? section your projects and inspiration with us @britandco.

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